Hey, today on the Green Reusable Shopping Bags Blog we have our first article covering Benefits of Going Green- For more great articles on Benefits of Going Green in the Home like what you see below, please visit us again (and leave a comment, too!)
Are you wondering what all this going green stuff really means? Well, I was. The term going green seems to be getting used more and more frequently these days as more companies want to get in on this new trend. Okay fine, but what does it really mean and why should it be so important to me? In seeking an easy and understandable answer what I've discovered is that learning how to go green in your home is basically a new way of thinking and a learning process which really does have important benefits for improving your life and that of the environment.
Here are just a few of the important benefits of going green in your home you should know:
1. Consumes less energy, water & natural resources:
Topping the list of energy consumption inside our homes is heating and cooling, which makes up approximately 20% of the U.S.'s yearly energy use. Adding to this list are electronic and household appliances which still consume energy even while turned off called "phantom loads". Most of this energy is derived from greenhouse gas producers such as oil and gas which are the major contributors to global warming which we see taking place. However, a green home can actually reduce its energy use up to 40% and its water use by 50% thus reducing its impact and carbon footprint on the environment.
2. Saves money & makes money:
If your home is green and using less energy, water and natural resources, it will not only save you money each month in your utility bills, it will also provide you with additional tax benefits and savings each year. The federal government as well as some local and state governments are now offering more tax breaks and other incentives for going green in your home which can really save you money. As well with a green home, you have the additional benefit of being able to make more money because when it comes time to sell your home, a home that is green will have a higher market value than a non-green home.
3. It's healthier for yourself & environment:
Most of us are unaware that the common household cleaning products, disinfectants, deodorizers, and paints we use actually contain very dangerous chemicals and carcinogens that are toxic and poisonous and can affect the health of ourselves, our family and our pets. These toxic chemicals are not just dangerous pollutants inside our home, they are equally as dangerous to our outside environment where they can seep into our rivers, lakes and streams and contaminate the ground water that we, as well as animals, depend on to drink. A green home is a home that uses natural, non-toxic materials and products which is healthier and safer for yourself and the environment.
Free, quick & easy tips, tools, news and information about how you can live a more Natural, Healthy, Spiritual, Green Life.
Subscribe now for the free weekly ezine, "Natural Life & Spirit" at http://www.globalpartnersinternational.net
Free, quick and easy to use professional makeup application tips for covering and concealing acne, rosacea, tattoos or scars with natural concealing makeup.
Download the free Natural Concealing Makeup, 5 Step System Guide now at http://www.naturalconcealingmakeup.com/index.htm
Written by Laura K. Halik, expert author and internet marketer specializing in natural products and solutions for a healthier, green life and environment.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Canvas Shopping Bags- Doing Our Part for the Environment

Hey, today on the Green Reusable Shopping Bags Blog we have our first article covering Canvas Shopping Bags- For more great articles on using Canvas Shopping Bags like what you see below, please visit us again (and leave a comment, too!)
The affects of global warming are being felt everywhere from the North Pole to Australia the speed of change is alarming scientists. The problem is only going to get worse with developing countries like China and India set to produce more and more CO2 gases. Believe it or not we all can do our little part in protecting the environment by simply changing a few of our habits. By making the switch from plastic and paper bags to canvas shopping bags we can all save millions of trees from being cut down each year. Plastic shopping bags are just as worse they're made out of a byproduct of petroleum which is used in so many of our products we use today. The problem with petroleum based products is that when it's converted into products like plastic bags and containers they never break-down leaving behind a mess in our landfills and waterways. If we are serious about saving our forests from deforestation and saving the planet we have to make the switch from paper bags to canvas shopping bags.
Canvas bags are a great alternate to the standard shopping bag as the statistics relating to the consumption of shopping bags is staggering. Each year American's on average use about 10 billion paper grocery bags which equates to around 14 million trees that are cut down. The number of plastic bags we use each year is even higher as most stores offer us a plastic bag for the smallest of purchases. The great thing about canvas shopping bags is that they're more durable than the plastic shopping bag. You can fit a lot more groceries into a canvas bag as opposed to a plastic bag which you need to double bag for heavier items.
Many people including myself always thought using paper was better than plastic bags but paper in some ways is even worse than plastic. From an energy perspective the typical canvas shopping bags uses 14 times less energy than plastic bags and 39 times less energy than paper bags these figures are based on the canvas bag making 500 trips. Five hundred trips would be a modest figure because the average life span of canvas bags is around a year and half. Plastic and paper bags are able to be recycled but the energy costs are extremely high. It takes a lot of valuable energy to turn these products into other reusable products. At the end of the day canvas shopping bags are a smarter greener choice and we should all be using them.
James has recently moved to New York and he loves the city. He's a strong supporter of all things relating to the protection of the environment. He wishes New Yorker's used less plastic and paper shopping bags and more canvas bags. He recommends the full range of products at R.A.G. including their eco friendly range of canvas shopping bags which are a simply way to go green.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Tips on Going Green-Taa Daa

Hey, today on the Green Reusable Shopping Bags Blog we have our first article covering tips on going green- For more great articles on tips on going green like what you see below, please visit us again (and leave a comment, too!)
Being very passionate about my planet I chose to Go Green. I will list some tips here for you that can make a huge difference in your health, your electric bills and most of all your planet. I know that many of you are concerned with Global Warming and would love to do your part, I am going to help you with that today.
Paper Or Plastic?
The answer to that is neither. Most people answer this question saying paper, that is a wrong answer. Use re-usable bags that you can buy online or from stores in your area. Keep your bags in your vehicle so that if you make an unexpected stop to purchase something you have your own bag with you. You can Google cloth bags and find a choice for yourself.
Cleaning Products
Not only do cleaning products put toxins in your home for you, your children and your pets to breathe they are also not environmentally friendly. I use products that are natural and organic, have no warning labels so I know if my toddlers get them I am not going to have to rush them to the emergency room to have their stomachs pumped or call the poison control center. Women that work at home run a higher risk of cancer than women that work away from home. The risk is 54% higher. As I work from home and have children and pets I switched to all natural products. Shaklee not only has all natural products they are also the first company in the world to be certified Climate Neutral meaning they leave no footprint on the planet.
When you are buying look at the packaging, things that are packaged inside of packaging cause too much waste. Buy things that are minimally packaged.
Paper Plates Or Plastic Plates?
Of course it is best not to use either but there are times when we must. When you are faced with this situation buy plastic plates that are 100% recycled. You can wash these, in an all natural dish detergent and use them over and over. Once done they are recyclable.
Organic Produce:
Buy produce that is organic. This means that it was grown with no pesticides which makes it healthier for you and for the planet. It costs a little more but is well worth the price. You can find a place near you where you can purchase organic produce online. Local Harvest is a great place to look, type in your zip code to find a farmer near you.
Reusable Water Bottles:
Instead of buying bottled water buy reusable water bottles. With the money you save from buying bottled water you can afford to buy a water filtration system for your home. Or you can buy reusable water bottles with a filter built in to them.
Look at your local landfill:
If you go take a look at a landfill in your area it will give you a wake up call. Most of the things there are not bio degradable and the ones that are will not be gone in your lifetime or the lifetime of your children and grand children.
Light Bulbs:
Buy energy efficient light bulbs. They are higher than the regular light bulbs you have been purchasing but they last for 5-10 years so the cost is minimal in reality. G E makes some great CFL bulbs. You will not only be helping the planet you will also find that you save on your electric bill. If everyone changed just one light bulb it would be equivalent to saving the carbon emissions on 800,000 cars. I switched all light bulbs in my home so I know this has made a huge difference to the planet.
The average person creates 4.5 pounds of trash per day. Think how much is going into the landfills if you are not re-cycling. You can re-cycle aluminum cans and foil, glass, but please rinse all containers before re-cycling, paper, a 4ft stack of recycled newspaper is equivalent to a 40 ft. fir tree, cardboard, such as cardboard boxes but if you have a cardboard container that pizza came in it can not be recycled as they can not use it if it is dirty, take your packing peanuts to your local shipping store, most will take them from you happily. I re-use my aluminum foil over and over before recycling it. I also buy foods packaged in containers that I can use to put left overs in when possible.
Water Consumption:
When showering or taking a bath spend less time in the shower and do not fill your tub to capacity when taking a bath. This will save a lot of water and if we all did this we could save enough water to ensure that everyone in the world could have water. Also fill up your sink when shaving instead of running the water for the duration of the time it takes you to shave.
Re-cycled Products:
Use re-cycled toilet paper and paper towels. I know it is not as easy to shop when you have to check packaging but think of the good you are doing for the environment.
The average person uses 6 paper napkins a day. That is a lot of waste going into our landfills. I switched to cloth napkins and then I just wash them in my environmentally friendly laundry product and re use them. I love the feel of the cloth napkin as opposed to paper also, it adds a nice touch to the meal.
Smart Power Strips:
Plug your small appliances, tv's and clocks into smart power strips. When not in use turn them off from the strip, this will save you a lot of money on your electric bill and is very healthy for the environment.
Most of us love candles. Use an all natural candle made from soy, they burn clean and clean up with soap and water. I know I love the smell of candles in my home.
Printer Ink:
Instead of buying a new cartridge each time you need ink take your cartridge to a store where they re-fill them. I get mine done at CVS Pharmacies.
Gift Wrap:
Buy gift wrap that is made of 100% recycled paper.
Instead of throwing your old computer away donate it. You can also find people that buy them to re-build them.
If each of you will incorporate one of these tips into your daily life the difference you make will be huge. I do all the things I have listed, as I said I am very passionate about my planet and especially the health of my family. It is difficult in the beginning to make all these changes but it becomes routine before long as anything you practice all the time does. How passionate are you about the planet? Thank you for being here and I hope I have given you some great tips you have not thought of before.
Cheryl C McNeil
Cheryl C McNeil is a life coach who enjoys helping people create changes in all areas of their life.
Trained at the beginning of her career by Ellie Drake, Cheryl has much to offer. Receive a free 30 minute consultation by contacting Cheryl at 817-902-2580.
Visit http://cherylcmcneil.com for all natural products
Going Green Trend- Is it Just a Trend?

Hey, today on the Green Reusable Shopping Bags Blog we have our first article covering going green trend- For more great articles on going green trend like what you see below, please visit us again (and leave a comment, too!)
Is Going Green Just Another Trend?
Do You Really Care About Going Green?
Lately, it seems that everyone has jumped on the bandwagon that's heading towards a greener lifestyle. While this is all fine and dandy, it really leads to wonder: do people really care about going gr
een? Do people really care about the environment or do they just want something to occupy their time with? Here are a few questions that you may want to ask yourself to help determine how important going green is to you.
Do You Really Understand Global Warming?
Although there are so many people out there who know that global warming exists and that something needs to be done about it, it seems that there are few who actually understand what global warming is and why it needs to be prevented. How can we really go green when we don't understand the reason that we need to do so? It seems that there needs to be more focus on what global warming really is before we put all of the focus on how it can be prevented by taking green-actions.
Do You See Yourself Living Green in 5 Years From Now?
There's no doubt whatsoever that some of the lifestyle changes that we need to make to go green are very easy to make, but certain habits may be hard to break. Do you really see yourself living green in 5 years from now? Do you really care enough about the environment enough to take preventative actions to save it? In a way, it seems that going green may be a lot like dieting. There are some people who won't break their diet and will lose weight. There are some people who will probably neglect lifestyle changes that are necessary for going green and, ultimately, not have any part in saving the environment in the long run.
Do You Really Care About the Environment?
There are some people who really just don't care about the environment at all. These are the same people who go out and buy gas eating cars that they know will not cause the environment to improve. They are also the same people who litter every time they go somewhere. Are you one of these people? Or do you generally care about the environment and hope that it can be preserved for generations to come? Your beliefs about the environment can really have an affect on how long your green lifestyle may last.
Time will tell whether or not going green is just a trendy phase for you or if it is something that you will want to live by. Although there are so many people right now who seem to be interested in
the idea of going green, many don't seem to realize that you need to be committed in order to do it. Saving our environment should be a top priority, but there's no use even bothering if going green really doesn't matter to you but is instead something that you want to occupy your time with.
global warming,
going green trend,
green lifestyle
Going Green in your Office- Not as Hard as you Think

Hey, today on the Green Reusable Shopping Bags Blog we have our first article covering Going green in your office- For more great articles on Going green in your office like what you see below, please visit us again (and leave a comment, too!)
Many of us want to be responsible citizens of the Earth. We think about the effects our lifestyles have on the environment. We are concerned about global warming. We want to ensure our children's future on this planet is one that still has clean air to breathe, an abundance of trees and wildlife, and clean water to drink. However, many of us also think that the sacrifices might be too great to "go green" in our own office. Good news. It's not as difficult as you think.
There are 3 areas where you can make a significant impact without significant expense or inconvenience: paper, lights, and electronics.
The average American office worker throws out about 150 pounds of paper per year. Paper manufacturing contributes to the deforestation of the planet and in America is responsible for 35 million tons of CO2 a year. So what can you do? Buy recycled paper. Make full use of that paper by printing on both sides and/or using paper that is only printed on one side for scratch paper. Do your proofreading and edits on your computer before printing to reduce the number of prints you make. Re-use file folders by placing new labels over the old ones. All of these changes are easy to make but have a big impact. Pretty painless, right?
Another way you can go green in your office is as easy as changing a light bulb. In fact, it is changing a light bulb. Incandescent bulbs use 4 times more energy than is necessary to produce light. Halogen lights can get as hot as 1,100 degrees Fahrenheit. That's hot enough to cook an egg! Alternately, Energy Star certified compact fluorescent lights (CFL's) use 75% less energy to produce the same amount of light, last 10 times longer and produce less heat. If you feel like you need even more reason to switch to CFL's, consider that you will also save money over the lifetime of the bulb. Once you have made the switch to energy efficient bulbs, make sure lights are turned off when they are not needed. A great way to ensure that this happens is with motion sensors that will turn the lights off when everyone has left the room.
38% of all of the carbon dioxide emissions come from the electricity we generate. That electricity is used to power all sorts of things. A major drain on our electricity is all of our office equipment such as computers, copiers, printers, and fax machines. When going green with your electronics, you need to look at 3 factors. You need to consider the waste that is created in the manufacturing of the products, the effects on the environment when you use the products, and the waste that is created when you are done with the products. That may seem like a lot to think about but if you follow these simple guidelines, you will be able to minimize the negative impact your office equipment has on the environment.
The manufacturing of electronics uses a lot of resources including electricity, raw materials, and water. Electronics also account for billions of pounds of municipal waste each year. Just a few of the contaminants that electronics create are toxic heavy metals, lead, PCB's, mercury, and various acids. To lessen your office's affect on the number of new pieces of equipment that are manufactured, as well as end up in land fills, buy all-in-one machines that combine multiple functions into one. Whenever possible, get rid of machines completely by using services such as Internet fax. With an Internet fax service you get rid of the fax machine completely, as well as reduce the amount of paper and ink that gets consumed. Another way to decrease waste is to recycle machines that are no longer working and donate those that do to charities where they will stay in use.
25% of the total electricity used by all commercial buildings in the US is consumed by office buildings. When buying any new office equipment, look for Energy Star certified machines. This will make a huge difference in the amount of electricity that is used to run your office. For example, an Energy Star certified computer is going to be 52% more efficient than a standard one. Laptops also use a lot less energy than desktops, so consider whether this is a viable option for your office. Energy efficient machines are also going to have stand by options that will power down or go into sleep mode to conserve energy when not in use. Once the office is closing for the day, make sure that all equipment is powered off.
Taking these steps will get you on your way to going green in your office. And as I promised, they will help you make a significant impact without significant cost or inconvenience to you and your employees. And you thought going green was going to be hard.
Brandi Cummings is an expert author on various topics relating to small and home based businesses. Take the first step to going green in your office and visit http://www.Fax800.com for an (Internet fax) solution. link http://www.fax800.com/
Going Green in Your Home- The 3 Main Benefits

Hey, today on the Green Reusable Shopping Bags Blog we have our first article covering Going Green In Your Home- For more great articles on Going Green In Your Home like what you see below, please visit us again (and leave a comment, too!)
Are you wondering what all this going green stuff really means? Well, I was. The term going green seems to be getting used more and more frequently these days as more companies want to get in on this new trend. Okay fine, but what does it really mean and why should it be so important to me? In seeking an easy and understandable answer what I've discovered is that learning how to go green in your home is basically a new way of thinking and a learning process which really does have important benefits for improving your life and that of the environment.
Here are just a few of the important benefits of going green in your home you should know:
1. Consumes less energy, water & natural resources:
Topping the list of energy consumption inside our homes is heating and cooling, which makes up approximately 20% of the U.S.'s yearly energy use. Adding to this list are electronic and household appliances which still consume energy even while turned off called "phantom loads". Most of this energy is derived from greenhouse gas producers such as oil and gas which are the major contributors to global warming which we see taking place. However, a green home can actually reduce its energy use up to 40% and its water use by 50% thus reducing its impact and carbon footprint on the environment.
2. Saves money & makes money:
If your home is green and using less energy, water and natural resources, it will not only save you money each month in your utility bills, it will also provide you with additional tax benefits and savings each year. The federal government as well as some local and state governments are now offering more tax breaks and other incentives for going green in your home which can really save you money. As well with a green home, you have the additional benefit of being able to make more money because when it comes time to sell your home, a home that is green will have a higher market value than a non-green home.
3. It's healthier for yourself & environment:
Most of us are unaware that the common household cleaning products, disinfectants, deodorizers, and paints we use actually contain very dangerous chemicals and carcinogens that are toxic and poisonous and can affect the health of ourselves, our family and our pets. These toxic chemicals are not just dangerous pollutants inside our home, they are equally as dangerous to our outside environment where they can seep into our rivers, lakes and streams and contaminate the ground water that we, as well as animals, depend on to drink. A green home is a home that uses natural, non-toxic materials and products which is healthier and safer for yourself and the environment.
Free, quick & easy tips, tools, news and information about how you can live a more Natural, Healthy, Spiritual, Green Life.
Subscribe now for the free weekly ezine, "Natural Life & Spirit" at http://www.globalpartnersinternational.net
Free, quick and easy to use professional makeup application tips for covering and concealing acne, rosacea, tattoos or scars with natural concealing makeup.
Download the free Natural Concealing Makeup, 5 Step System Guide now at http://www.naturalconcealingmakeup.com/index.htm
Written by Laura K. Halik, expert author and internet marketer specializing in natural products and solutions for a healthier, green life and environment.
Ideas for Going Green- Simple Ideas to Reduce Energy Costs

Hey, today on the Green Reusable Shopping Bags Blog we have our first article covering Ideas for going green- For more great articles on Ideas for going green like what you see below, please visit us again (and leave a comment, too!)
The idea of "greening" a home is not a new one. It is, in fact, one of the most common homemaking trends. Many people, however, are still unsure as to what benefits one can really get from turning their houses into green homes.
While there may be a hundred or so personal reasons why people use building insulation products and other environmentally friendly materials to make their homes greener, there are three main benefits.
The best reason for going green at home is the significant amount of energy, water, and natural resources saved. Approximately 20% of the yearly energy consumption of the U.S. comes from home heating and cooling. With proper home insulation, energy use can be reduced up to 40%. Water usage and carbon footprint will also be significantly lessened.
Going green will also help homeowners earn extra cash additional to the money they're saving. The federal government has come up with attractive incentives that financially benefit green home homeowners. So while saving money because of reduced energy costs, homeowners are rewarded with tax breaks and other incentives.
Installing or using thermal insulation will also help keep you and the environment safer and healthier. As green homes promote economic stability and the well-being of the family, it also has positive effects on the community and the environment.
Since the average home gives off more carbon dioxide than the average family car, switching the attention to green home building is only right given the environment's current state. It is not enough that one builds a green home; it is also important to abide by particular green practices such as using building insulation products. Aside from making structures more energy efficient, building insulation also provides comfort for the homeowner. Installing your home with proper insulation will also help reduce the risk of molds and rust corrosion. Moisture is the number one cause of mold appearance and this can be effectively controlled with thermal insulation. This will also help prevent contamination of the air and surrounding environment.
Many households use products that contain dangerous chemicals. Even the materials used for building a house can contain hazardous substances. By using home insulation products, one can significantly reduce the amount of exposure to pollutants and contaminants therefore keeping the home and the environment free from harmful toxic materials or wastes.
Although there are no fixed figures that show how much a homeowner, or a community, can save by going green, it is safe to say that savings can reach thousands. A green home that has the proper building insulation products can have annual bills of around $700 or less (per year) as compared to the usual $3,000. An added benefit, of course, is that the house increases its market value for any home improvements and significant changes to ensure added energy efficiency.
As mentioned earlier, thermal insulation can help a household cut utility expenses. Homeowners can save at least $50 every month during the winter time or just as much in the summer by reducing their use of heating and air conditioning. And since the material (for the home) is preserved and protected, there will be no need for restructuring, fixing, or adding new material every year.
For the community, this means fewer expenses for building and office maintenance and fewer overall expenses.
There is another benefit for a community whose residents build green homes. If most of the community's residents switch to green homes with eco-friendly building insulation products, the neighborhood will be positively contributing to a healthier, more eco-friendly community..
Although there are no exact figures available, communities whose homeowners follow green building standards and use dependable thermal insulation in well-used parts of their homes, attract more visitors and prospective homeowners.
Steve Mroz is the Vice President of Nanotech Energy Solutions, a thermal insulation coating manufacturer. Their product, Nansulate, is one of the top building insulation products in the residential, commercial and industrial industries. Home insulation products from Nanotech have been proven to reduce energy costs by more than 20%.
Going Green Facts- About Solar Energy
Hey, today on the Green Reusable Shopping Bags Blog we have our first article covering Going Green Facts- For more great articles on Going Green Facts like what you see below, please visit us again (and leave a comment, too!)
Most people think of these large panels on the roof of homes, when they think of solar energy and solar power. Let's talk about some other solar energy facts. Back in the 1960's, solar power can to the front. Very few used it, but today, still less than 1% use it, but today our hybrid cars are moving up and down the highway using solar energy. Solar energy is free energy and can be harnessed for a fraction of what it costs for electrical energy. On top of that, solar energy is great for the environment. Learn some other solar energy facts.
Back in the 70's and 80's, individuals who were using solar power might not have been considered as being normal. Now, they are the ones who are laughing As the cost of oil to heat up homes proceeds to rise along with concerns about the environment, those who have made the way to solar energy are saving money as well as the world.
When new buildings are going up, in some cases they have some type of alternative energy source built in for saving money as well as thinking about and not destroying our world that we live in. You can do a lot more with solar energy facts other than just heating our houses. In addition to heating the home, solar energy can be used to provide power for appliances and even modern gadgets like MP3 players. We are all familiar with solar powered calculators. No batteries necessary either to run some devices. Well, why not use that same energy to power other gadgets as well?
If you combine solar energy with wind power, you can even get more of an energy affect. Purposes for solar energy range from warming a house and fueling a automobile to actually making clean H2O in third world nations that can end up saving lives. The things to come will truly be spectacular with what we will be able to apply to do with solar and wind energy.
In order to employ solar energy facts and stay with this technology, more emphasis has to be made on the growing concern over the cost of energy as well as the affect that it has on the eco system. People requiring to save money using solar and people who wish to protect the environment are in agreement in this way. They both think that solar and wind energy can be an answer to a major problem moving into the future. Click on the links below to learn about an amazing product that will start saving you money by the end of the weekend.
Now if you really want to save some money, then solar and wind energy are the answers, click solar energy facts to learn much more. This will help to reduce your electric power a enormously.
Canvas Grocery Bags- 5 Tips to Help you Remember your Bags

Hey, today on the Green Reusable Shopping Bags Blog we have our first article covering Canvas Grocery Bags- For more great Canvas Grocery Bags articles like what you see below, please visit us again (and leave a comment, too!)
I am always leaving my canvas grocery bags at home when I need them. It's ridiculous. I end up at the store and need to get plastic or paper bags at the check out because I've forgotten my reusable bags. Let's face it, it's hard to stay disciplined with some things, especially things that are new to us. For my whole life I've never had to bring my own bag to a store... until now. My system needed an overhaul, so these are five ideas that I came up with to help me remember my bags.
1. I bought ten, yes ten, canvas grocery bags. I made sure to buy several different designs so that I would be tempted to show them off when I was out and about.
2. I use one of the bags as my "purse." Canvas grocery bags are quickly becoming a way to make a fashion statement. I'm a stay at home mom, so Gucci bags are not on my list of most important things to carry with me. I either carry a canvas grocery bag or my diaper bag, and I ALWAYS throw an extra canvas bag inside the outer bag, just in case I need some extra carrying power.
3. I keep 4-5 bags in my car and hanging on the back of my headrest into the backseat. Not only does this keep them close by, but when I go to take my daughter out of her car seat I am immediately reminded to bring the bags with me if I think I will be doing any shopping.
4. After I carry my groceries up to my house from the car and unload them, I hang the empty grocery bags on the handle of my front door. This ensures that I will remember to bring them back down to the car and use them again (instead of ensuring that they will hide in my closet for goodness knows how long!).
5. I've taped a small sign that reads "1 million per minute" onto my plastic bag recycling bin. For the times that I forget to bring my canvas grocery bags, I inevitably end up with a plastic bag instead. So taped to my recycling bin is a small guilt trip for myself. The more I remember how many plastic bags are used and wasted every day, the more I remember to bring my canvas grocery bags!
Jen Cantwell is a canvas grocery bag enthusiast. http://www.canvasgrocerybags.net
How Handmade Shopping Bags are more Impressionable
Hey, today on the Green Reusable Shopping Bags Blog we have our first article covering Handmade Shopping Bags- For more great Handmade Shopping Bag articles like what you see below, please visit us again (and leave a comment, too!)
Handmade Shopping Bags made from cotton/canvas products are awesome and don't kill a single tree. The added benefit of Using cotton/canvas shopping bags vs Plastic bags is obviously the preservation of our planet... But, they also pack up quite small into ones pocket. As of now the use of plastic bags in our everyday life is still quite overwhelming! But, that starting to change more and more each day. Everyone, lately it seems is starting to take notice of the dangers these awful plastics are now causing and that's a good thing. "Our lives and our children s lives depend on it!"
So, lately there's been a surge of people seeking alternative to plastic bags and finding them in the use of handmade shopping bags that can be used for not only shopping but everyday activities. The bags of choice are more along the lines of cloth,then anything else. Some gift bags, but mainly Handmade Shopping Bags.
The variety that Handmade Shopping Bags are starting to evolve into is really something (uniqueness will never be an issue) , shapes, colors and textures. Just, the other day I heard on the news that some states are actually going to start charging consumers $ to use Plastic Bags. Is this a good thing? well, I'm sure you know the answer to that.
All, I can say is that it's nice that people are starting to really focus on getting rid of the plastic bag for good! It's really causing many to become more creative... So, I predict in the coming years we are going to see a flood of color hitting our supermarkets and library's in the form of beautifully done Handmade Shopping Bags. " I'm Ready!!"
Handmade Shopping Bags made from cotton/canvas products are awesome and don't kill a single tree. The added benefit of Using cotton/canvas shopping bags vs Plastic bags is obviously the preservation of our planet... But, they also pack up quite small into ones pocket. As of now the use of plastic bags in our everyday life is still quite overwhelming! But, that starting to change more and more each day. Everyone, lately it seems is starting to take notice of the dangers these awful plastics are now causing and that's a good thing. "Our lives and our children s lives depend on it!"
So, lately there's been a surge of people seeking alternative to plastic bags and finding them in the use of handmade shopping bags that can be used for not only shopping but everyday activities. The bags of choice are more along the lines of cloth,then anything else. Some gift bags, but mainly Handmade Shopping Bags.
The variety that Handmade Shopping Bags are starting to evolve into is really something (uniqueness will never be an issue) , shapes, colors and textures. Just, the other day I heard on the news that some states are actually going to start charging consumers $ to use Plastic Bags. Is this a good thing? well, I'm sure you know the answer to that.
All, I can say is that it's nice that people are starting to really focus on getting rid of the plastic bag for good! It's really causing many to become more creative... So, I predict in the coming years we are going to see a flood of color hitting our supermarkets and library's in the form of beautifully done Handmade Shopping Bags. " I'm Ready!!"
Green Reusable Shopping Bags-Really a No Brainer
Hey, today on the Green Reusable Shopping Bags Blog we have our first article covering Green Reusable Shopping Bags- For more great Green Reusable Shopping Bags articles like what you see below, please visit us again (and leave a comment, too!)
As of a few years ago it seems more and more people are starting to take notice and responsibility of the things they need to do to protect our planet for ourselves and our children! To me this is so refreshing... Considering I'm an old Hippie, and come from a family that takes recycling to a whole new level. The funny thing is we've been using
green reusable shopping bags ever since I can remember... We use to get strange looks from everybody, now, it's where did you get the cool bags.
It has always amazed me how something so convenient as the plastic bag, didn't warrant any further investigation earlier on in the game. usually the old motto goes " if something seems to wonderful...Chances are there's a side effect somewhere that were not aware of..."
And this seems to be the case for the convenience's of using plastic bags.
And just thinking about the devastating effects it has on our wildlife, not to mention the financial burden and damages it causes to our great green planet, literally makes you feel totally disgusted about how long this has gone on in our lives!
Here's a little food for thought... Did you know? That in California alone there are an estimated 600 plastic bags used by us the consumers every single second. " That's Huge!!" and it doesn't take an Einstein to figure out where they end up after being used. The state of California us the Tax Payers pay " Get This!" $8.5 million every single year to pay for programs to control this issue of plastic bag garbage. Then we have another $25 million going towards funding landfills that this awful plastic menace ends up in.
Im, not going to get into all the horror stories involving marine life... There's been plenty of coverage on that! Ocean+plastic bags " Very Bad!!" The poor Sea Turtles look at these plastic bags as jelly Fish gobble it up and then go somewhere to die! Another little tid bit... When the particles of plastic bags start to out number the amount of planton in our oceans we have a major problem!! " Not just a Boo Boo!"
I remember there was some talk about " How about recycling plastic bags?"
Well, although it seemed like a good theory at the time, it is in no way economically viable. " and never will be!" If you were to recycle just a ton of plastic bags it would cost you about $4,000. Resulting in? Recycled Plastic Bags that can be sold for approximately on the commodities market for roughly $32. With those type of numbers, it should really be no surprise if you are lucky 2% of the plastic bags are recycled.
They continue to keep trying to solve this worldwide problem but always to no prevail. Shipping plastic bags to other parts of the world where the laws are not as pronounced. The problem is these countries burn these bags "DuH!!" We all live under the same roof, If the toxins go up into the air how exactly is that helping us? " a real Bunch of brainiacs!!"
Oh, and here's another side effect for ya... Did you know simply producing a plastic bag consumes a very precious commodity of ours. ( petroleum HMM!)
But, you know what it really all boils down to? It's really quite a simple fix! use Green Reusable Shopping Bags, ( Mystery Solved.) Really though, now a days you can find them all over the place different sizes, shapes some really unique ones that really stand out to some cool little simple types of bags. Point is... There's no excuse, it's up to us to make this planet a better place for us during our golden years and we definitely owe it to our children to try and reverse the wrong we did with the right that we know of now. And a great start right now is to say no to the plastic bag forever ans yes to the green reusable shopping bag!
As of a few years ago it seems more and more people are starting to take notice and responsibility of the things they need to do to protect our planet for ourselves and our children! To me this is so refreshing... Considering I'm an old Hippie, and come from a family that takes recycling to a whole new level. The funny thing is we've been using
green reusable shopping bags ever since I can remember... We use to get strange looks from everybody, now, it's where did you get the cool bags.
It has always amazed me how something so convenient as the plastic bag, didn't warrant any further investigation earlier on in the game. usually the old motto goes " if something seems to wonderful...Chances are there's a side effect somewhere that were not aware of..."
And this seems to be the case for the convenience's of using plastic bags.
And just thinking about the devastating effects it has on our wildlife, not to mention the financial burden and damages it causes to our great green planet, literally makes you feel totally disgusted about how long this has gone on in our lives!
Here's a little food for thought... Did you know? That in California alone there are an estimated 600 plastic bags used by us the consumers every single second. " That's Huge!!" and it doesn't take an Einstein to figure out where they end up after being used. The state of California us the Tax Payers pay " Get This!" $8.5 million every single year to pay for programs to control this issue of plastic bag garbage. Then we have another $25 million going towards funding landfills that this awful plastic menace ends up in.
Im, not going to get into all the horror stories involving marine life... There's been plenty of coverage on that! Ocean+plastic bags " Very Bad!!" The poor Sea Turtles look at these plastic bags as jelly Fish gobble it up and then go somewhere to die! Another little tid bit... When the particles of plastic bags start to out number the amount of planton in our oceans we have a major problem!! " Not just a Boo Boo!"
I remember there was some talk about " How about recycling plastic bags?"
Well, although it seemed like a good theory at the time, it is in no way economically viable. " and never will be!" If you were to recycle just a ton of plastic bags it would cost you about $4,000. Resulting in? Recycled Plastic Bags that can be sold for approximately on the commodities market for roughly $32. With those type of numbers, it should really be no surprise if you are lucky 2% of the plastic bags are recycled.
They continue to keep trying to solve this worldwide problem but always to no prevail. Shipping plastic bags to other parts of the world where the laws are not as pronounced. The problem is these countries burn these bags "DuH!!" We all live under the same roof, If the toxins go up into the air how exactly is that helping us? " a real Bunch of brainiacs!!"
Oh, and here's another side effect for ya... Did you know simply producing a plastic bag consumes a very precious commodity of ours. ( petroleum HMM!)
But, you know what it really all boils down to? It's really quite a simple fix! use Green Reusable Shopping Bags, ( Mystery Solved.) Really though, now a days you can find them all over the place different sizes, shapes some really unique ones that really stand out to some cool little simple types of bags. Point is... There's no excuse, it's up to us to make this planet a better place for us during our golden years and we definitely owe it to our children to try and reverse the wrong we did with the right that we know of now. And a great start right now is to say no to the plastic bag forever ans yes to the green reusable shopping bag!
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